May 12, 2021

Quick Tip : How to Remove Water Spots from Stainless Steel Appliances

If you have stainless steel appliances, especially a refrigerator with an ice and water dispenser, you’ve most likely experienced those water spots and drips that seem impossible to wipe away with normal methods. This ‘issue’ has come to light recently in our house with the endless water bottle filling and lots of water drinking (not complaining) but it seems like there are water drips down the front of the refrigerator all the time.

I use this method for cleaning my stainless steel appliances and I am still using that method but for removing those stubborn hard water spots, this trick is my favorite method – it works every time! I simply wipe the appliances clean with white vinegar and then I polish the water spots as needed as a second step.

Here’s what you need:

  • olive oil
  • paper towel for application (you can use a microfiber cloth, but the oil will stain it)
  • soft microfiber cloth to buff and polish

Follow these simple steps:

Fold a paper towel into fourths. Apply about a quarter-sized amount to your paper towel – squish it into the paper towel so it isn’t just on top.

  1. Start at the top of the appliance and apply WITH the grain of the stainless steel and from left to right.
  2. Wipe away any excess with your paper towel
  3. Buff with a microfiber cloth
  4. Admire your no-spots or streaks appliance

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