August 31, 2022

DIY Nightly Sink Scrub

My favorite DIY recipe is also my favorite nightly ritual – the Nightly Sink Scrub. This little recipe will change your evening kitchen routine for the better. The best thing?  It works on ANY sink type!  Porcelain, stainless steel, acrylic, copper, stone, solid surface – scrub away! If you are new here and haven’t seen this part of my daily routine, here’s how I mix it up.

Every night we reset the kitchen, put the dishes in the dishwasher, wipe up the counters and finally sprinkle a little sink scrub in the sink, add a squirt or two of dish soap and give the sink a good scrub and rinse. Here’s how I keep the kitchen clean with the Clean Mama Routine.



  • put baking soda in your container – I like using a mason jar
  • add essential oils to the top of the baking soda
  • stir and combine with a table knife

  • wet your sink
  • sprinkle liberally in your sink

  • add a squirt or two of dish soap
  • scrub with a sink-safe scrub brush or sponge

This recipe also works as a Bathroom Scrub – use it on sinks, faucets, tubs and showers. If you have a white sink or tub, add a little Oxygen Whitener to surface with the powder, scrub and rinse.

If you don’t want to mix up your own scrub, I have a Multi-Purpose Cleaning & Freshening Powder in the shop!  Check it out here.

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