April 17, 2019

How to Find Motivation When You Don’t Want to Clean

I don’t wake up wanting to clean but I enjoy a clean house and feel so much better when things are tidy and there’s order in our home. When I don’t want to clean, I try to reframe my motivation and think about how much better I’ll feel when the kitchen is clean or the laundry is folded. I’ll also think about how much harder it will be if I put it off another day. Cleaning daily makes it easier every day AND it keeps cleaning from being overwhelming. New here? Head to this post to see my 5 daily tasks.

  • Choose cleaning supplies that you enjoy using. Color coordinate or just choose supplies you like the look of – I find that having cute supplies does make cleaning more fun.
  • Don’t put it off – get it over with and get on with your life.
  • Watch other people clean – follow me on Instagram – I share tips and tricks daily.
  • Start in the worst area first and keep going with that momentum.
  • Listen to a podcast, audiobook, or your favorite music – think of it as an escape. Here’s my cleaning playlist.
  • Call someone and chat while you’re cleaning. Chances are you’ll enjoy the conversation more than you realize that you’re cleaning.
  • Make it a game – set a timer and race yourself.
  • Invite someone over – you will probably get more done in a shorter period of time.
  • Reward yourself with something that motivates you when you accomplish your goal.

Now that you’re motivated, how do you know where to start?

Head to my start here page – one of the best parts of my cleaning routine is that you don’t need to think about what needs to be cleaned and when it needs to be cleaned. Just do the day’s task and you’ll find that your home is clean most of the time and it takes LESS time than any other cleaning routine!

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Cleaning, Favorites